ZIPPIT RELOC 6" x 6" SQUARE BAGS ZIP SQUEEZE - SLIDE TOP LOCK BAGS CLEAR 2MIL LOCKING BAGS 1,000 PIECES RELOC Zippit ® Brand clear zip seal plastic bags are 2 Mil r egular duty suited for shipping, packaging, and storage. Bags are re- usable ; sealing is simple and easy with the single track zip closure strip. Organize and protect your Round and Square individual items, parts of various sizes. Sale is for 10 Dispenser Packs of Zip seal clear plastic bags all 2mil thick, eac h Dispenser pack contains 100 pieces of 6" x 6" size. JETS Product # 0911-50606 R66 RELOC Zippit ® 6" x 6" CLEAR Package of 100pcs in a DispenserBag ® NOTE: Dimensions given are for the Width first ( 6" - Side to Side ) and the Length second ( 6" - from the Zip Seal to the bottom of the Bag ). Sale is for 10 Bags ( 100 pieces in the bag ) Shipping: Via USPS PRIORITY Mail NOTE: Visit JETSTOOLS ebay Store Listings, where you can see a wide variety line plastic bags and many other J ewelers E quipment T ools and S upplies . JETSINC. RB-A 7.10LZ 1012 66 CKSP Z M P